Still seems relevant

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION They stand before us and speak half-truths or bold lies, proud of their power to deceive and prosper. They will hide the corpses. They have betrayed us, and even victory will bring no honor. Rumsfeld equivocates, Rice dodges, that poor warrior, Powell, serving a man beneath him, covers his face with shame.… Continue reading Still seems relevant

Star Trek Discovery

 I really enjoyed the first episode. The second episode was well made but I enjoyed it less. The first episode showed Michael’s joy of discovery. The second episode was about action and explosions. I want a Star Trek that’s about the joy of discovery. I’m also concerned about the way this series (and really all… Continue reading Star Trek Discovery

The Relationship Between Music and Drugs

The CBC podcast “On Drugs” has an interesting show about the relationship, both good and bad, between music and drugs.  Unfortunately, they left out the most common, and dangerous drug in the music scene, alcohol.

Stone Dragonfly

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Mushroom Season Has Arrived! 

Shelf mushrooms on a poplar tree in our back woods. I think these are honey mushrooms at the base of an oak stump in our yard.

Inuit Saying 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oakfire Studios (@oakfire_studios) Yesterday is ashes Tomorrow is wood Only today burns brightly Inuit saying

Two of Reeds

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