So I finally opened my Zazzle store. It was a frustrating process. The biggest frustration being that it has typically taken a week for items to show up in the store after I created them on the site. This despite Zazzle’s statement that they would appear in 24 hours or less. And getting an email from Zazzle that they were ready to go in that 24 hour time frame. Another source of frustration is that Zazzle’s UI for sellers is just confusing. First of all you have to realize that you have two profiles. One as a buyer and one as a seller. It’s often unclear which profile you’re
currently in, especially since buyers can also create items, they just can’t sell them. There’s also the fact that Zazzle doesn’t clearly distinguish between when you’re creating the name of your store and when you’re creating the URL of your store. I’ve created stores on both Amazon and Ebay and this has easily been the most frustrating to deal with.*
See my Zazzle store at