Scarab 2023 10 01

8×10 inches on Strathmore 400 drawing paper. and .

I’m going to call this one done. Overall I like it but of course there are a few issues.

Number one: I screwed up when I taped it and the lower left hand corner is nothing like square.

Number two: the watercolor leaked under the tape and while you can still tell where the border is, it’s nothing like as clear as I would like. This is probably due to using way too much water on paper that’s not made for it.

Number three: The tape pulled up some of the paper. Again probably due to using way too much water on a drawing paper.

Number four: The front legs should be more angular.

I go back and forth on the whole issue of paper. I prefer 300 lb watercolor paper but it’s expensive. On the other hand it’s so hassle free. No taping, no wrinkling, just cut it to size and go.