I had always thought that Frank Lloyd Wright’s Imperial hotel in Japan had been demolished in the 50’s. Turns out that the section holding the hotel rooms was demolished. But the main lobby was saved and moved to a different location. One more reason I would like to visit Japan. https://www.imperialhotel.co.jp/e/our_world/column/the_wright_imperial_2.html
Author: admin
Moontree Bookmark
Another bookmark design. I’m having a little trouble photographing this one. The colors are a bit harsh and grainy.
Green Goddess Bookmark up on eBay
So… I’ve started listing some bookmarks up on eBay. They’re all original paintings even though many of them share similar designs. The first one is this “Green Goddess”. If you’re interested it’s here.
Another Stylized Tree Medallion
I keep coming back to images like this one. A stylized tree inside a circular design. I haven’t posted much art lately. Not because I haven’t been making art. It’s that a lot of it was unsatisfactory (bad). Then I got out of the habit even after I was making art that I did like.… Continue reading Another Stylized Tree Medallion
Dirigibles In Alaska
I’ve always liked the idea of dirigibles but they have never been successful as ordinary freight carriers. They simply can’t carry enough to justify their cost. The only time they were commercially successful was in the twenties and thirties when they were the equivelent of the Concorde, the fastest and most expensive way to cross… Continue reading Dirigibles In Alaska
History of INdustrial Design on youtube
These are the sort of classes that I wish I would have had the time to take in college. But now we have YouTube and the Pandemic so it’s OK. History of Industrial Design isn’t just about designing factories it’s about all those everyday things we use that that are produced by industrial manufacturing. I… Continue reading History of INdustrial Design on youtube
Spiral Tile
This is one that I find myself liking more and more as time goes on.
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