Dirigibles In Alaska

I’ve always liked the idea of dirigibles but they have never been successful as ordinary freight carriers. They simply can’t carry enough to justify their cost. The only time they were commercially successful was in the twenties and thirties when they were the equivelent of the Concorde, the fastest and most expensive way to cross… Continue reading Dirigibles In Alaska

Two of Reeds

Another of my psuedo-tarot cards. This was intended to be a nice calm turquoise but I messed up the initial wash so I decided to go full on tie-die. About 5.5 inches by 7.5 inches. Winsor and Newton HP Professional watercolor paper.

Cattails Painting

I haven’t been happy with most of my watercolor efforts this last week. Partly because I was deliberately keeping them simple while trying out some new techniques and colors. Anyhow this one I am happy with. It’s a continuation of my cattail obsession. for me this is a very loose style, something I’m working on.… Continue reading Cattails Painting

Harold Thurman Whitman Quote

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs – ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”- Harold Thurman Whitman

Solar Wheel

Just a quick sketch playing with colors and trying for “looseness”. Overall I like it but I’m always nervous about intense colors. I’m never sure how they will be seen by others. But then I remind myself of all the hideous color schemes I’ve seen in art museums. About three inches in diameter on Winsor… Continue reading Solar Wheel